Legal value of handwritten mention in contracts
The legal value of a handwritten mention is null in 99% of cases With the digitization of documents, the place given to handwritten mentions is (finally) questioned and this is a good thing.
How Emilie transformed her HR department with the electronic signature
How I reduced working time in our HR department with Docage by 18% I am HR, replace the "R" by resources, relationships or wealth, it does not matter to me, I am the
Why initials on each page are useless with electronic signature
Electronic signature makes initials obsolete Many new users of the electronic signature want to place a visual signature or paraphrases on each page of their document. Yet this is absolutely useless with modern
Understand the electronic signature in 2 minutes
2 minutes to understand the electronic signature Here we go! In 2 minutes you will understand everything about the electronic signature. It has a legal value recognized throughout Europe since 2017 by the
The electronic signature for salespeople
The benefits of e-signature for salespeople The commercial department is most concerned with the contribution of remote electronic signature. What for? Unlike other services of the company where it reduces costs, integrated into
Electronic signature in real estate
The benefits of electronic signature in real estate The real estate sector is a sensitive sector for everyone's wealth and for the finances of the state. This is why its activity is very
Electronic signature in HR services
The benefits of e-signature in HR services Optimize your company's HR service with electronic signature, so you can get it to be contracted quickly and securely. While the "zero paper" policy is becoming